The UK's largest event for private investors

Business Design Centre, London, 29 March 2025








ShareSoc / SIGnet logos

ShareSoc / SIGnet

ShareSoc is a not-for-profit membership organisation, created by and for individual investors. Our aims are to help improve your investment experience and to represent your interests wherever this is needed.

To do this, we offer a range of educational and informational services, and represent your interests to government. We also offer assistance to shareholders when companies they invest in misbehave and do not act in shareholders’ best interests. It is only by joining together that we can campaign effectively on such matters. We want to ensure that shareholders have their proper say as owners of the businesses in which they invest.

Our services include: meetings with quoted companies, educational resources, in-depth company reports and networking opportunities with other investors. We also provide forums for the interchange of views between individual investors.

We already have thousands of members – so come and join us – it’s time you stopped missing out.

SIGnet, a part of ShareSoc, is a UK-wide network of investor groups that meet regularly (in-person or online) to discuss investing topics and companies of interest with members. SIGnet groups offer an opportunity to meet, socialise with and critically learn from the experiences of fellow investors. SIGnet groups are NOT for promotion of any financial products or services. They are run by their members for their members’ mutual exchange of knowledge and for social interaction / enjoyment with like-minded people. Visit the SIGnet website for more information about SIGnet and how its groups operate.

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